Feeding occupies a key place in the technological process of obtaining livestock products. It affects the growth, development, health and productivity of cattle and small cattle, determines the work of all physiological functions and the ability of the animal body to resist external factors. And while the breeding of cattle in our country has long acquired an industrial scale, the sheep and goat breeding has always been developed to a lesser extent. Preservation and rational use of the pedigree gene pool in sheep breeding in Russia is an important component of the development of this industry in the country.
Very recently, feed antibiotics were used all over the world to stimulate the growth and productivity of small cattle. Among the most common diseases of small cattle, a special place is occupied by infections, the insidiousness of which lies in the rapid spread, which is accompanied by a high mortality of animals, as well as a sharp decrease in productivity and sanitary quality of the products obtained from them. Antibiotics helped to cope with this problem. However, their use had a disastrous effect on the health of people using animal products. This has led to the prohibition of the use of antibiotics in many countries of the world and the search for a safer alternative.
Bioengineering company "Bonaka" has found a way not only to neutralize the effects of the use of antibiotics, but also in some cases to completely stop their use, while achieving economic growth in industrial animal husbandry without compromising the quality and sanitary and hygienic safety of products.
Microbiological complexes "BONAKA-APK" and "BONAKA-APK-N" are a unique concentrate of microbial biomass from our own collection of strains with a proven probiotic effect.
The practical experience of using BONAKA-APK and BONAKA-APK-N on livestock farms shows that probiotic additives can significantly reduce or completely eliminate the use of antibiotics, significantly improve feed conversion, reduce the cost of sanitary and hygienic treatment of industrial premises and equipment.
Research on sheep farming has shown not only an overall increase in animal productivity, but also a noticeable improvement in the quality of wool of sheep and rams. This circumstance prompted the owners of the sheep farm to increase the number of livestock in order to produce not only environmentally friendly meat products, but also to obtain high-quality wool. The introduction of probiotic complexes "BONAKA-APK" and "BONAKA-APK-N" into the diet of small cattle showed excellent results and became a reliable basis for the development of livestock farms specializing in the breeding of small cattle.